A downloadable game

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This game is based on Conway's Game of Life. In it, every cell is alive or dead. If a cell is dead, it comes to life if it has exactly 3 living neighbors. If a cell is alive, it dies from isolation with less than 2 neighbors, or overpopulation with more than 3 neighbors.

But what happens if you change the rules? 2 Bit Life is about changing those rules, and seeing what you can find. Increase the overpopulation number to watch patterns expand forever. Change the pattern of what counts as a neighbor. Or add a second game of life, and let the two games interract.

*Epilepsy Warning - Careful with spawn life. Allowing life to spawn at 2 or 4 can cause a lot of flashing.


Left and Right click to draw two overlapping games of life. Click on a live cell to erase instead of turning on. If a cell is alive for both games of life at the same time, it has a value of 2 for it's neighbors instead of 1.

WASD and Arrows to move the camera. Mouse wheel to zoom in and out.

At the bottom you have speed controls, and the X is a button to clear the screen.

Expand the menu on the left to get to a bunch of options to change the rules. Underpopulated and Overpopulated change the range for a cell to stay alive. Spawn Life is the value or range when new life spawns. Pencil makes it easy to draw, while the brush and it's settings let you make your own custom patterns with the little brush grid on the right side of the screen.

That little square at the top right determines what counts as a neighbor. The default is anything adjacent and diagonal, but you can mess with it and see what happens.

Esc to go Fullscreen. (Changing the window size will mess with the colors you've drawn so far.)

P to take a screenshot. - It goes to users/(your user)/AppData/Local/2bitLife/savedPictures - Sorry you have to go digging for it.

Spacebar steps one frame (same as the step button at the bottom of the screen).

I'm making a game every month in 2021. Sorry this thing is a bit of a mess at the moment, but I promised myself I would release it in January, and I have another game to make in February. I hope I can get back to this thing sometime to clean things up and add some extra features I planned, like custom color patterns, and a way to share some of the things you've found. If you've had fun, or are interested in what else I make this year, consider supporting me on Patreon or following me on Twitter. 




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Click download now to get access to the following files:

2bitLife.zip 9.1 MB

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